Olive's Kitchen is super excited to announce that the next product in our Vetlove Naturally healing range is about to launch.
Golden Paste is an all-natural support for cell repair, inflammation and immunity. It gets its rich golden colour from the hero spice 'turmeric' which contains an active ingredient called curcumin. It's the curcumin where all the benefits to cell growth, inflammation and immunity stem from.
Sadly, lifestyle diseases such as cancer are very active in our beloved pet world.
An estimated 6 million dogs die from cancer each year with more than 1 in 2 dogs and 1 in 3 cats getting diagnosed with the disease. Diet is one of the best things that pet parents can focus on to prevent disease and or restore your pet's health.
Golden Paste is helpful for:
• Supporting cell repair
• Immune support
• Digestive health
• Skin and coat health
• Relieving dry, itchy skin
• Weight management
• Inflammatory conditions